Once Upon a Yugoslavia

Bryn Mawr, PA 17 november 2015 - Vanaf nu verkrijgbaar, het nieuwe boek van Surya Green, auteur van "Als de Zon spreekt", stichter van de Sun Conscious Foundation:

Once Upon a Yugoslavia

Lees hoe en waarom de auteur tijdens een stage in 1968 bij Zagreb Film in een iconoclastische hoek van de communistische wereld, aanleiding was tot het herdefiniëren van de American Dream.

Ontdek de verrassende lessen die het leven in een door de overheid gecontroleerde gemeenschap een jonge Amerikaanse leerde over vrijheid, overvloed en privacy.

A review...

The book "Once upon a Yogoslavia" written by Surya Green: I was touched by the frankness of the words. A young woman living for some time in another cultural society, in what we call a poor country, with completely different possibilities and customs. By then, she experienced so many changes in her own life! The story is of immense importance in the knowing and sharing of differences and their coming together.

The beautiful American English is a joy to read. We mostly see poorer English, but not in this unique document, based on personal daily activities, in a historic context of two worlds. I especially like the way Surya writes about the persons she meets, the characters and detailed information about the situations. It is as if the reader might be in the same situation, to be part of the story, while the author is getting to know herself. This gives a tremendous feeling of unity.

At the end, the author is becoming more aware of the fact she loves the persons she meets, which is something more of us might do. A must read for all people searching for significance in their own lives too. Written is a full amount of thoughts about the personal changes that might happen, when a cultural shock is lived through. Thank you for publishing and selling this wonderful book!

Lies Visscher