Can we expect ecological transformation post Corona?

Rembrandt Zegers

The Corona Crisis is frequently commented upon these days with the question if this crisis impacts the Climate and Ecology Crises. It is much too early to say that, but some observation can be made from looking at voices and debates in the public media. In this contribution it is mainly Dutch media that are looked at (but not only). The suggestion is made that there are many similarities and many differences, between these crises, but one practical element that is pointed at is the first aid systems that are deployed to help the ill. Even when these systems are overburdened and in distress because of the volume of severity of cases, it is clear these systems are vital. When it comes to climate and ecological distress one could state that first aid systems are lacking. There are no public or private services helping civilians to act on symptoms (physical and mental) to restore and put in place a balance with nature. As leaders and key people within public services call for a Post Corona Economy that has made structural changes to how it functions and can deal with a health crisis (like Corona or maybe the next Corona), it is suggested to include ecological public services into those structural changes.

Key words: Corona Crisis, Climate& Ecological Crises, Normality, Physical and mental health First Aid, First and second order science, First Aid in relating to nature